
Breakthrough the Excuse Barriers

We all can come up with excuses as to why we can't or won't achieve our personal business goals. My personal trials could have easily been used as a crutch to lean on when I think about why I wasn't where I wanted to be financially in my personal business. We place blame on our current environment, price changes, company marketing, a non-supportive spouse, busy schedules and the list goes on. I recently attended a leadership workshop and the main theme was, there is "NO Excuse For Failure." The only way you can absolutely fail is if you quit and quitting should NEVER be an option. You may change your approach or even change your direction but never give up on yourself. Ever. Make sure you read: No More Excuses !


What is Your I.Q. Level?

Do you know what your I.Q. level is in your business? I'm not talking about your intelligence but your "I Quit" level. Many people begin in this industry without following the basic rule when starting out. That is, developing a strong reason "WHY" for doing the business. Without a strong reason why, I can guarantee you that you will NOT be in business long, at least not in MLM. This is not an easy business. It can be simple, but it's not easy. Dealing with different personalities can be the most challenging experience we encounter in our lives. We cannot control what people say or do but we can control how we react or let it effect us. There can be other challenges along the way as well but it all boils down to our resolve and determination to succeed. We commonly see people hop around from opportunity to opportunity and when it doesn't work, they blame everything else accept themselves. Although there may be several other people experiencing success in those same companies, some people just don't get it and always end up quitting. Unfortunately, this is the majority of people. There will always be quitters in life and quitting on yourself is the worst. We all have had thoughts of giving up or wondering if this is the right place for us but if we keep our reasons why in front of us, the "how" won't matter, nor will all of the situations we encounter along the way. Remember diligence and consistency are always rewarded.


How Do You Take Control of YOUR Emotions?

Sometimes when dealing with people, we occasionally and come across individuals who can.....Let's say, make it challenging to stay in a 'happy state of mind' ;-) . Even though we may want to tell someone off or even reach out and 'touch' them sometimes, negative emotions never do us any good. In fact negative emotions actually hurt us more than the other person. Some researchers have shown that this can lead to chronic conditions that include hypertension (high blood pressure), coronary artery disease, and heart attacks. Pretty serious stuff. Especially when you are living with heart disease. So a P.M.A. (Positive Mental Attitude) is extremely important, not only in business but in all aspects of life. I have read or listened to thousands of hours of personal development, and this is STILL a challenge for me, occasionally, but I have improved drastically from where I was before I started doing personal development. Although none of us are perfect, but we can improve daily. I found an entertaining read about controlling emotions:

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