
Irrefutable Law of Leadership

"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" was one of the most eye-opening books I have ever read. It reminded me of the importance of always growing. When we grow plants, we don't ask, "how tall will it grow?". The reason for this is because we EXPECT them to grow as much as they possibly can. Humans are the only species who routinely choose to under achieve rather than grow to our maximum potential. The "Law of the Lid" states how a leader can not lead past his or her leadership 'lid'. That's why it is VITALLY important that we remain in a state of constant growth. To remain in balance, this growth should be mental, physical and spiritual. How we choose to pursue our growth is totally our choice. But we MUST grow,especially if we are leaders. If we don't grow, we have, in fact by default, made a decision to do the opposite.

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